
Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Definition

KPI toko retailKey performance indicators are those financial and non-financial or metric that are used to evaluate the growth of the organization (i.e.) how successful it is. On most cases Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is used in a long term organizational goals. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) helps a retailer to analyst the mission, identify the stakeholders and define the goals. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is also known as Key Success Indicators (KSI).
The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is used in any fields such as schools (Graduation rate, Success in finding a job after graduation), Social service organization (Numbers of clients they are holding) and more. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for an organization would be Pre-tax profit, Share holder equity and more. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) does not change often. It changes only when the goal is changes. They focus on what they are? and how they are measured?. The act of monitoring KPI is known as Business Activity Monitoring (BAM). KPI is basically associated with the organization strategy and concepts such as Business Scorecard.
What are the basic KPI a retailer should adopt?
Not all the retailers adopt the same kind of KPI to meet the organizational goals. But having certain KPI in an organization has become mandatory for a retailer. There are certain basic KPI to adopt by a retailer are such as,
  • Sales – annual turnover, transaction made, basket spend, footfall – all against LFL and budget
  • Loss prevention – Shrinkage loss, (stock loss or cash loss)
  • Operational – availability, inventory integrity
  • Salary
  • Service – Complaints that are made
  • HR development – training, coaching, staff turnover
  • Variable costs – any expenses made at an additional cost are avoidable
How does the KPI helps in increasing your sales?
Once the KPI is defined it gives the clear idea about the goals and the measure and finally what to do with them? It gives a clear idea what is important in the organization and for what they have to work for to achieve. The KPI can be used as the performance measurement tool. It helps in managing the performance of the organization. Also make sure that everyone exceeds or meets the KPI. There are many KPI set by retailers in order to achieving in their business. Giving a vague KPI such as “Should have repeat customers” will not help you to meet the organizational goals. The best KPI would be “Employee Turnover” which you help you in calculating the performance of an employee.
There are five top most KPI are set by the retailers such as,
  • Sales per hour – Statically compares one sales person with the other and determines who is efficient in selling and attending the customers.
  • Average Sale – Statically compares the average selling price of a sales person. The higher statistics shows that the person has a wide knowledge on the product and the less statistics reveals that he lacks in the product knowledge or effective description.
  • Items Per Sale – determines the ability of a sales person compare to sale.
  • Conversion Rate – shows how many customers they have made from the visitors of the store.
  • Wage to Sales Ratio – gives a graph comparing the hourly wages of a sales person to hourly sales they have made. This KPI determine their performance level and how effective they are.
Calculating KPI in retail industry
Retail Customer KPIs
  • Customer GROSS Profit = Customer Sales – Customer Cost of Goods Sold for a period
  • Customer Lifetime Purchase Value – Monetary value of each customer’s life time purchases from the retailer
  • Customer Profitability = Customer Sales – (Customer Returns – Customer Cost of Goods Sold + Customer Promotion Expenses + Activity Based Cost of Servicing Customer) for a period
  • Customer Purchase Freq Count – Count of customer purchases transactions over a period of time
  • Customer Purchase Value – Monetary value of each customer purchase during a period with an average value for all purchases for the period
  • Customer Reference question – A rating from 0 to 10 that indicates if the customer would recommend the store.
  • Customer Sales by Segment – This formula is dependent upon defining customer segments (based on age, education, lifestyle, income and other factors) and associating individual customers to specific segments.
  • Customer Service Staffing = Face to face customer service staff count / total staff count
  • Visit to Buy Ratio = Sales Transaction Count per period / Visit Count Per Period
Retail Financial KPIs
  • Accounts Payable Turnover = Avg Accts Payable / (Cost of Sales / 365)
  • Accounts Receivable Turnover Days = Avg Accts Rec / (Credit Sales/365)
  • Acid Test Ratio = (Current Assets – Inventory)/Current Liabilities
  • Admin Cost % = (Administration Costs / Sales )*100
  • Average Inventory = (Beginning of Period Inventory + End of Period Inventory)/2
  • Break-even ($) = Fixed Costs / Gross Margin Percentage
  • Cash Conversion Cycle = (Days Inventory Outstanding + Days Sales Outstanding + Days Payable Outstanding)
  • Contribution Margin = (Total Sales – Variable Costs)
  • Cost of Goods = (Retail Price – Markup)
  • Cost of Goods Sold = Beginning Inventory + Purchases – Ending Inventory
  • Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
  • Ending Inventory At Retail = Beginning Inventory – (Sales + Transfers out + Return to Vendor + Markdowns + Employee Discounts + Shrinkage) + (Purchases + returns from Customers + Transfers In + Markups)
  • Gross Margin = Total Sales – Cost of Goods
  • Gross Margin Return On Investment = Gross Margin $ / Average Inventory Cost
  • Initial Markup = (Expenses + Reductions+Profit)/(Net Sales +Reductions)
  • Interest Cost% = (Interest Costs / Sales)*100
  • Inventory Turnover = Net Sales / Average Inventory
  • Maintained Markup $ = (Original Retail – Reductions) – Cost of Goods Sold
  • Margin % = (Retail Price – Cost) / Retail Price
  • Markup % = Markup Amount / Retail Price
  • Net Receipts = (Purchases + Transfers in + Returns from Customers + Overages) – (Transfers Out + Return to Vendors)
  • Net Sales = Gross Sales – Returns and allowances
  • Retail Price = Cost of Goods + Markup
  • Return on Capital Invested = (Profit for the Year / Capital Employed)*100
  • Sales per square foot = Total Net Sales / Squarefoot of selling Space
  • Stock Turnover Days = Average Inventory / (Cost of Sales /365) number of days
  • Total Asset Sales Ratio = Sales / Total Assets
  • Turnover = Total $ Sales for season / Average $ Inventory for season
Source : retaildirectory.blogspot.com

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Potensi bisnis minimarket mandiri 2015 - 2016 dilihat dari trend 2014.
Potensi bisnis ritel Indonesia yang salah satu jenisnya adalah minimarket untuk jangka menengah panjang masih besar meskipun pertumbuhan omzet ritel nasional 2014 diperkirakan hanya naik tipis seiring melambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Omzet ritel modern nasional pada 2014 diperkirakan tumbuh 10%. Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia (Aprindo) memperkirakan nilai penjualan ritel modern 2014 mencapai Rp162,8 triliun.
Permintaan produk terutama makanan dan minuman masih menjadi kontributor utama (>60%). Beberapa faktor menjadi katalis positif pertumbuhan ritel nasional ke depan. Meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat, meningkatnya populasi penduduk dengan bonus demografi dan pertumbuhan masyarakat yang pesat, urbanisasi, tingkat optimisme konsumen yang kuat, dan pertumbuhan properti komersial menjadi driver permintaan industri ritel. Menurut AC Nielsen, 48% dari total belanja berasal dari masyarakat Proporsi masyarakat sendiri terhadap total populasi Indonesia diperkirakan meningkat dari sebesar 56,5% pada 2010 menjadi sebesar 68,4% pada 2015 dan sebesar 76,1% pada 2020.
Indeks Kepercayaan Konsumen (IKK) Indonesia masih cukup kuat dan relatif tinggi dibandingkan negara lain. Global Consumer Confidence Report 2Q14 yang dirilis AC Nielsen menunjukkan IKK Indonesia berada pada level 123, berada pada posisi kedua setelah India (124). Sebelumnya, IKK Indonesia bahkan menempati posisi tertinggi selama 5 kuartal berturut-turut (1Q13-1Q14) di antara 60 negara yang disurvei. IKK yang dirilis Bank Indonesia juga menunjukkan trend penguatan. IKK Agustus 2014 yang sebesar 120,2 merupakan level tertinggi sejak akhir 2012.

Penguatan IKK juga dikonfirmasi oleh peningkatan Indeks Penjualan Riil (IPR). Rata-rata pertumbuhan tahunan IPR Januari-Juli 2014 sebesar 16,7%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu yang sebesar 11,9%. Secara regional, IPR sebagian besar kota yang disurvei (9 kota) menunjukkan trend kenaikan. IPR kota Bandung mengalami rata-rata pertumbuhan tertinggi selama Januari-Juli 2014. Pertumbuhan IPR yang cukup tinggi juga terjadi di Semarang, Surabaya, dan Manado. Hal ini menunjukkan peranan dalam sektor ritel semakin penting. Meskipun ritel tradisional masih tetap mendominasi, kenaikan share perdagangan ritel modern dalam di Indonesia meningkat cukup pesat.
Potensi bisnis minimarket semakin terlihat jelas ketika melihat Share tersebut meningkat dari 25% pada 2002 menjadi 44% pada 2012. Pertumbuhan ritel modern terutama terjadi pada format minimarket, convenience store, dan hypermarket dimana share perdagangan minimarket mengalami kenaikan tertinggi. Dilihat dari perkembangan jumlah gerai selama 10 tahun terakhir, format minimarket tumbuh rata-rata 17,4%, hypermarket 17,9%, sedangkan format supermarket mulai cenderung ditinggalkan dengan pertumbuhan gerai rata-rata 3% per tahun.
potensi minimarketJika menilik percepatan penetrasi maka potensi bisnis minimarket di Indonesia lebih besar dibanding negara tetangga. Penetrasi jumlah gerai ritel modern Indonesia masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara-negara ASEAN lainnya seperti Singapura, Thailand, dan Malaysia. Masing-masing format ritel modern memiliki pemain utama. Pesatnya perkembangan format minimarket (termasuk convenience store) didorong oleh ekspansi usaha Alfamart dan Indomaret yang menguasai sekitar 87% pangsa pasar. Bagi saya fakta ini adalah propek bisnis minimarket bagi pengusaha lokal.
Untuk format hypermarket, Top 3 player yaitu Carrefour, Hypermart dan Giant menguasai sekitar 97% pangsa pasar. Sementara untuk department store, Matahari Department Store dan Ramayana menguasai sekitar 55% pangsa pasar, disusul Mitra Adiperkasa dengan 8% pangsa pasar. Pada format supermarket yang sangat terfragmentasi, tidak terdapat satu pemain dengan pangsa pasar di atas 7%. Super Indo dan Hero merupakan pemain utama pada format ini dengan menguasai sekitar 12% pangsa pasar.
A.T. Kearney’s 2014 Global Retail Development Index™ (GRDI) menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 15 negara berkembang untuk tujuan investasi ritel, naik dari peringkat 19 tahun lalu. Negaranegara Asia yang masuk dalam Top 30 GRDI ini selain Indonesia adalah China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Filipina, dan Vietnam. Pasar ritel Indonesia masih menarik bagi para peritel internasional. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan terus masuknya peritel kelas dunia. Beberapa yang akan masuk pada 2014 adalah IKEA (Swedia), Courts Asia (Singapura), Parkson Group (Malaysia), dan Central Department Store (Thailand).
Biaya tenaga kerja menjadi porsi terbesar biaya operasional peritel (~30%). Bersama biaya sewa gedung dan listrik (utilitas), ketiganya menyumbang 60%-80%. Untuk peritel yang menjual produk dengan import content tinggi, fluktuasi Rupiah juga menjadi concern. Kajian kami menunjukkan setiap 1% depresiasi Rupiah akan menyebabkan kenaikan COGS industri ritel sebesar 2,7% pada satu triwulan berikutnya.
E-commerce akan semakin berkembang. Tingginya persaingan usaha dan meningkatnya biaya operasional ditambah semakin ketatnya regulasi yang ada seperti ketentuan jumlah maksimal outlet waralaba toko modern sebanyak 150 outlet dan aturan proporsi produk lokal yang dijual paling sedikit 80% dari jumlah dan jenis barang yang diperdagangkan diperkirakan mendorong perkembangan e-commerce ke depan seiring kemajuan teknologi dan berkembangnya penggunaan internet di Indonesia. Nilai transaksi di Indonesia tahun 2013 diperkirakan sebesar USD1,8 miliar.
Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (Gapmmi) mengatakan pelemahan rupiah terhadap dolar AS menggerus pertumbuhan industri makanan dan minuman (mamin) olahan nasional. Pertumbuhan industri mamin olahan semester II tahun ini kemungkinan hanya berkisar 6-7%, lebih rendah dibandingkan semester I sebesar 9%. Omzet industri mamin olahan nasional hingga akhir 2014 tetap ditargetkan naik 6-7% dari tahun 2013 yang sebesar Rp 942 triliun. Perlambatan omzet juga dipengaruhi oleh turunnya daya beli petani komoditas perkebunan akibat turunnya harga komoditas tersebut.(Harian Kontan, 12 September 2014)

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